Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It was recently brought to my attention by Whitfield that all my blog entries have exclamatory titles...

Oh well!

I'm in sunny, hot, humid FLORIDA! Destin, to be exact. The water is at a comfortable temperature, the sand is clean and fresh, and it's so dang beautiful here!

I'm currently waiting around for my father, step-mother, and half-sister to all wake up from their day-nap. I'm starving!

I'll be back here soon!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sunshine On My Shoulders!

Afternoon rain.
Ridiculous amounts of mosquitoes.
Palm trees.

Those descriptions only narrow my location down to...eh, about half of the United States.


Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort & Spa...so amazing. We leave tomorrow. Thirty minutes past four in the morning, in fact. Ugh. Oh well, the trip is great. My father let me tag along. This is, if you can believe, a 'business trip'. My dad is a band manager for Michael Cavanaugh, a fast-growing, Broadway-starrin', Billy Joel-playin' pianist. The gig hasn't even been preformed yet, so I'm still waiting for the most exciting part of the trip.

I will say, I'm starting to get tired of the hotel television channels....not enough choices to keep my attention. We'd go to the beach, but my dad forgot his swimsuit. The best part is, 'like father, like son', I gorgot mine too. The beach is about a mile from the hotel, and I'll be right on the beach all next week in Destin, Florida (our REAL vacation), so it's not too big of a bummer.

The next time I'll see you, I'll be back home!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Rootbeer: The 'Zeus' of all carbonated beverages. Thank you, Mr. Sonic Drive-In Restaurants, for graciously gifting me with your delicious (and absolutely free) floats of root-filled beer.

BlogSpot always seems to beckon me here to add another entry to the collection, but when I arrive, my mind is elsewhere. Maybe I have a dangerous addiction that needs to be cured? It can't possibly be! I believe the problem has to do with me having no life outside of my house, unless I'm summoned by friends or something of the sort, which is highly unlikely when you're blogging at midnight. Maybe it's some sort of blogging insomnia, forcing me to fit in the last-minute entry before passing out on my twin-sized bed that just so happens to be 3 feet away from my personal computer (Yes, I DID look down, and I actually calculated the distance. Beat that!).


Okay, I've been sitting here for seriously 5 minutes without a thought on my mind. I think I'll stick with my theory of blog insomnia.

Good night, I suppose.
Sorry for the disappointment, but my eyes are half opened.

Snarklefoobendarf. <---- Evidence of 'the sleepy-sillies'.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"I didn't mean to!"

Ah. Let's start off this blog entry by using one of my favorite and most original quotes..."I didn't mean to". The phrase can simply be used in any situation! I mean, if you and your friends are wrestling, and you break something, hey, "I didn't mean to!". If you punch one of your male friends in the 'between-the-legs' area for no reason other than to see how they react, well, "I didn't mean to!", so it's absolutely okay! You see? The phrase is just too valuable NOT to use!

Okie dokie.

Whitfield and Samuel, the blogless boy, came over today. Samuel was the 'male friend' that was 'accidentally' punch in the 'between-the-legs' area...Yes, I did it. But, remember, I DIDN'T MEAN TO!

Whitfield told me a tale of some new theory that he had about how 'girl-liking' girls and 'guy-liking' guys somehow could marry each other because the 'guy-liking' guys like guys, and the 'girl-liking' girls try to act like men, therefore, they should like each other. I don't know...take it against him if you're offended! I am not to blame!

It just turned 11pm here, whoopie! Another late summer night. I shall go waste away my previously-learned education by slaughtering Nazi zombies on Call of Duty: World at War, and also by watching incredibly amazing movies (Mostly including actors such as Jim Carrey, Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell, and John C. Reilly!). Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful.

I am done; finished; complete.

Goodbye young one. (...unless your old, then, uh...Just take it as a compliment!) BYE! GOSH!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The pleasure was enormous!

Today was grand. Absolutely grand. I went to Funtastic Island, a giant playground made for the use of kids below the age of 16. I was accompanied by Whitfield and Ms. Eaton, along with several others, including a young man that thinks he is hilarious by being overly-obnoxious and blaring extremely racist ringtones around the entire playground. The same kid that would randomly yell inappropriate lines such as the title of this blog entry....rant rant, complain complain. He's a cool kid, overall, don't let me give out the wrong impression. If it weren't true, I would have completely disowned him by now.

Tomorrow, I predict, will not be so grand. It is my last day with Mandi, my totally real and not-imaginary girlfriend. She will be departing from me to a much lamer and boring part of the state...3 hours away from here. The cause: Her father's job. The effect: Heartbreak.

It is very late! Oh my! ...and before I start to be completely feminine with our love story and memories, I'll bid thee 'adieu'...That's French for a farewell or salutation!

Goodbye to you, kind sir/lovely madam. Yes, you, and you, and YOU. Oh yes, you too... Have a great day/night/after midnight/early morning/late night...

Adios Amigos.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine!

Another day of summer has arrived. In fact, this is the fourth day we've been out of school. Such a grand and precious thing, summer is.

You see, during summer days, staying up until 1:00am and then waking up twelve hours later is perfectly fine...at least for me. My father tried dragging me out of bed, claiming it was 'already 10:30am'. It was a failed attempt.

Today is completely booked. It consisted of me staying home and doing nothing, of course, meaning that the previous sentence was a load of buh-log-nuh. Bologna? Yeah, I think that's the correct spelling. Who cares, it's summer! Push all grammar aside for 3 months!

I hope you have a great day....It'd be a pity not to!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's a brand new day!

First day of summer. Holy balls. So far it's pretty boring. Yesterday was grand. Went to the movies with friends. 'Whitfield the Infamous' was there! I sat by him!


So yeah. School is out! Summer is pretty booked up between my mom's planned vacations, my dad's planned vacations, and my plans with friends. Parental divorce is not so bad once you get used to it! :D <----- (See that?! That's a SMILEY FACE!)

Sooo yeah... I guess blogging can be sort of a fun...uh...'hobby'....
I'm pretty sure I was pressured into this! Whitfield and Shelby, be happy.

I do believe I shall bid all thee a farwell for know! I must go 'shake the dew off the daffodil'...(I'm going to pee, capice?)

Have a wonderful day.
